The first of 86 refurbished Green Line trolleys hits the tracks next month, officials said, promising a roomier ride and more reliable service after a season of strenuous weather events.
MassDOT officials announced Wednesday that the cars, which underwent significant repairs at a plant in New York, have begun arriving in Boston for preliminary testing.

The first newly polished trolley will be in service next month.
By next winter — just in time for the snowy season —43 refurbished cars will be online. All 86 of the trolleys in the project will be ready for passenger service by the end of 2016.
The initiative includes upgrades to the vehicles’ HVAC systems, power supplies, lighting, cab equipment, and seating.
MBTA officials said Alstom Transportation, the company picked to oversee the $104 million project in 2012, is also overhauling the roof, exterior paint and body, and door and brake equipment on each trolley.
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